I pledge allegiance to the Rock,
on which I firmly take my stand,
These "inspirations" have come as a result of my Lord's gentle teaching over the years and I am honored to share them with you. I pray that they may be a vessel through which God can touch your heart with a special blessing as you read and reflect prayerfully upon them. May God be Glorified!
Jody R Goode
AKA the 'Hug Lady'
(Kisses, Kisses, Kisses, Hug!)
I pledge allegiance to the Rock,
on which I firmly take my stand,
To you, nothing less than a miracle
To Him, His eternal love poured out upon you
As it was with the spilling of His Blood
You need only dwell within His Presence
To be awash in His healing flood
I hear voices in my head
Though I choose to only listen
for the Voice speaking in my heart instead
What if I'm wrong,
and all I believe about You is untrue?
This day, dressed in surgeon's gown and glove I offer up myself to You to be Your instrument and tool to bind these wounds and heal this soul passing through each stitch, Your everlasting perfect Love
The struggles of this life have pinned me to the wall I find myself powerless to take even one step more There was a day long ago When You were pinned to a tree There for me To set me free O, why couldnt I see!?
I'm lovin' you and hopin' it shows I never knew I would have to learn how to love, but I do I look to Jesus and love looks back - I want to love like that
This question, thrown out there time and time again, "What would Jesus do?" The answer is and always will be in the answer yet to this, "What has Jesus done?"