
These "inspirations"  have come as a result of my Lord's gentle teaching over the years and I am honored to share them with you. I pray that they may be a vessel through which God can touch your heart with a special blessing as you read and reflect prayerfully upon them.

May God be Glorified!

Jody R Goode

AKA the 'Hug Lady'

(Kisses, Kisses, Kisses, Hug!)

Guest Writer's Circle
Whispers of God

"Fellowship" - (as defined by J.I. Packer) A seeking to share in what God has made known of Himself to others, as a means to finding strength, refreshment, and instruction for one's own soul.

The Fellowship Journal has been established to encourage a sharing of what God is doing in the lives of His children. The intent of the journal is to give God the glory for what He is accomplishing in our lives and to bring encouragement and support to the Body through the sharing of these testimonies.

I for one would love to hear what God is teaching you and accomplishing in your life - the Fellowship Journal is a great medium for sharing with the Body of Christ all the great things He has done and continues to do each day.

If you would like to share a journal entry, please email it via the '>Email Me' link to the left and I will post it in the journal. Everyone who visits the Fellowship Journal can then participate in the sharing by responding to the submissions posted or adding one themselves. In essence, we will be growing a 'spiritual garden' as we together plant the seeds of testimony and watch our hearts grow in unity while giving to our Lord the glory due His Name.

Welcome to the fellowship of the Body of Christ.


Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

In so doing, on the great day of God's wrath, for you,
His mercy shall surely triumph over judgment.

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Jesus, are You there?

'Jesus, are You there? - Servant of God, here am I.'

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Teach us to pray ...

Oh, Father, God - Abba, Father...So much pain down here.

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Are you asleep?

And He came and found them sleeping, and said, "...are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour? Mark 14:37 NAS

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On your day of repentance ...

Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me….

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