Deborah Johnson
Copyright © 2006
Jesus loves me this I know
Though I fear it isn't so
He is praying every day
That I'll see and find His way
All around you swirl the lies
So loud and hurtful that your heart cries
For the truth you need to see
You are dear and loved by Me
I want to heal your broken heart
Talk to Me, I'd like to start
I have for you a plan to do
It's steps are ordered just for you
When I heal your broken heart
I'll take the pain and hurt to start
A joy and peace you never knew
Trust Me now to see you through
The mountains you see seem so high
Are very small when you can fly
On My love beneath your wing
Trust Me now, your heart will sing
Jesus loves you, this I know
And He died to show you so
Trust Him now to heal your heart
His love and you will never part
Broken heart, precious one, don't forget you are My son
I promised you, a life that's new
It's in My Hand and waiting for you