By Your blood, Your sweat and Your tears,
my heart has become strong and full of confidence
As a soldier awaits the enemy's attack
I now stand firmly planted ~
shielded by Faith
girded by Truth
and wielding the Two-Edged sword of Your Spirit
Your Word has gone forth and I have purposed to listen and obey
It is then Your blessings flow
And, O, how sweet the blessings
for this I surely know
Now I lie in wait ~ at times the silence deafens
Yet, it is then my heart remembers ~
and a song of Faith, of Hope and Peace dances freely off my
tongue and I am assured I will never be alone
You, my Lord, are my courage and my strength ~
that which I need to endure the silence of this Your quiet time
until, by grace, my eyes shall see the dawning of tomorrow