
These "inspirations"  have come as a result of my Lord's gentle teaching over the years and I am honored to share them with you. I pray that they may be a vessel through which God can touch your heart with a special blessing as you read and reflect prayerfully upon them.

May God be Glorified!

Jody R Goode

AKA the 'Hug Lady'

(Kisses, Kisses, Kisses, Hug!)

Guest Writer's Circle
Whispers of God



At the new dawn's light I am to wed,
     but I know not where to find The Church.

My Bridegroom is the One of my dreams ~
     will He stay until I reach The Church where He awaits
          with arms outstretched?

I have long been searching for The Church,
     but it is not to be found in the buildings I have been.
          Yes, the signs on the doors say "Church",
               but when I enter I find no life ~
                    the Life The Church promises me to give.

The Church as I understand it is made of people,
     but the people I have seen are so very busy doing...what?
          I am not sure they know what,
               and they do not notice I am there.

I am looking for my Bridegroom
     and as yet I have not found Him, so I press on ...

I continue to pass many crumbling buildings,
     all whitewashed and patched to cover up their decay.

I have no time to waste;
     I must find my Bridegroom;
          I must find The Church.

On the path which I now travel, I spot a gate
     ~ a very narrow gate.
          On the other side there are many smooth stones
               assembled so securely forming a solid structure,
                    not yet complete, built upon its foundation ~
                         a perfectly mastered cornerstone.
                              This cornerstone, one so unique, I cannot
                                   remember seeing anything like it
                                        strengthening the walls of the
                                             buildings I had previously seen.

Could this be The Church I am seeking?
     Is my Bridegroom waiting for me beyond its door?
          How can I get through this very narrow gate?

The only way through this gate, I found,
     was to strip myself of everything ~ to leave all I had behind.
          I did not think twice for I had found that which I was seeking,
               The Church, my Bridegroom, Life and Love everlasting.

Through the gate and through the door
     I ran into the waiting arms of my Bridegroom.
          He had waited just as I had hoped
               and I now know He would have waited
                    as long as it took for me to find Him,
                         for He knew I was looking.
                              That is just the kind of Love He has for His Bride.

In all the excitement I had not realized that when I passed through the gate      
     and then through the door;
          I had crawled inside my own heart.

Now I understand ,
     The Church is not made of people,
          but of the hearts of people seeking the Bridegroom.

The new dawn is rising ~ I found The Church and I found my Bridegroom.
     I hear the wedding bells chime ,
          so let the celebration begin !!!


"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 NAS

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