As it says in the Word...
In that day, the world will carry on with business as usual
while in the Heavens, a Holy war for souls will rage
In that day, there will be a struggle to believe
and the Truth will be so much harder to see
In that day, there will be signs to tell us His time is near
Signs of nature; signs of war; signs of economy
And peace of mind, soul, spirit and community,
although cried out for, will be painfully translucent
In that day, even the faithful will become faint in heart
and his vision of Christ will grow gradually dim
In that day, our lives will be riddled with trials and tribulation
that bring clouds of despair upon our hearts
Is there hope for us, in that day?
Is the Promised Land,
where milk and honey flows
and pain and suffering shall be no more,
still to be our final Home?
In that day, we shall find our Savior down on His knees
as He was in the garden of Gethsemane,
before He lovingly gave His Life up for you and me,
praying and petitioning before the Father
for the souls He has been given
never slumbering and without ceasing
with incomprehensible, agonizing fervor
In that day, will He find me by His side,
sharing in His Compassion,
the burden of His fold?
What if that day has come?
What if that day - is today?
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